HomeAware has a specialty daemon (pronounced "dee-mun"), a type of software that runs independently to collect information from radio frequency signals within your home. This daemon has been integrated on to your panel. It operates as a background process within your panel, and our Ubiety app synthesizes the relevant information into a user-friendly engaging interface.

Now, let's explore how our daemon detects devices.

Take a look at the image below:


Wireless devices use various types of communication based on their functions.

For example, cell phones use cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth to communicate with other devices. The HomeAware daemon collects these three types of signals to learn about the device, its user, and ultimately, presence.

HomeAware uses a process called Network Discovery to learn about devices connected to the home's local Wi-Fi networks. This method allows us to gather significant information about devices without collecting raw signals from the air. In fact, most of HomeAware's "Awareness" services are possible through Network Discovery alone.