All devices must use a unique MAC address (Learn more about MAC addresses here: What is a MAC address?) to communicate with a WiFi network, which can enable the device to be tracked across networks and locations.

In an effort to increase the privacy of users, phone manufacturers have introduced a feature called Private Address. This feature hides the device’s real WiFi MAC address and instead generates a random address - this is the Private WiFi Address.

Can a device have more than one Private WiFi Address?

Yes! Devices will generate a unique Private WiFi Address for each network that they connect to. For example, a device’s Private WiFi Address on your home network will be different from its Private WiFi Address on your favorite coffee shop’s network. Some devices may even generate a new Private WiFi Address every 24 hours.

Why should I disable Private Address?

Disabling the Private Address feature will give you the best HomeAware experience. Many features in the app depend on a consistent MAC address to function properly.

Every time a device changes its Private WiFi address:

Currently, HomeAware does not support a way to merge devices. This is why we recommend turning off Private Address on your devices connected to your home network (the same network that your sensor is connected to).

Learn how to disable Private Address on your home network: Disabling Private Address (Randomized Mac Address)